Monday, January 25, 2010

Prayer Letter 1/25/2010

January 25, 2010

Dear friends and family,

    It is with a grateful heart that I write in regards to your many prayers. As you are aware, Ashlee, Peyton, and I are serving and studying at Vision Baptist Church under Pastor Austin Gardner. I am attending classes at the Our Generation Training Center with the expectation of starting deputation for Foreign Missions in the next two years. As my family and I make the transition, I hope that you will pray with us about a couple of issues.

1) Ashlee’s job situation. She has applied and interviewed at several daycares in the area and we are confident that the Lord will provide with the income needed to sustain.

2) My job situation. I am delivering pizzas for Pizza Hut in the evenings and am highly reliant on the Lord to provide tips and hours to make the money not only for living, but ministry and school as well. In addition to delivery, I am working on staff at Vision as the personal assistant to Pastor Gardner. This is a great opportunity to learn directly from the man of God and apply his discipleship to others as well. (2 Tim 2:2)

3) Our vehicle situation. In the thirteen surrounding Atlanta area counties; you are required to pass an emissions test before you can get a tag. My car did not pass, and it will cost approximately $200 in order for it to pass.

Please pray with us about these areas and see how the Lord blesses! If the Lord lays it upon your heart to be a blessing to the Underwood family, you can contact me at

I trust that the Lord will see fit to supply our needs as promised in Matthew 6:33!
(Mat 6:33) But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Thank you in advance for your prayers and support!

Your “companion in labour”,

                                          Stephen Underwood
                                          Acts 20:24


  1. Amen! Good Prayer Letter!

  2. We are definitely praying for you guys. EVERY single day. Keep strong and know God is holding you. we miss you guys and are so sad that Blaze was so sick for so long and we missed out a lot of time with you guys.
