Thursday, April 22, 2010

Truth vs Perception

Many times throughout your Christian life, you will be faced with an instance that some may interpret the wrong way. They may think badly of a situation; maybe take something you said and twist it, and every intension you had was thrown out the window because of one word: Perception!

No matter what point we would like to get across, or what our intensions are; perception will always overshadow truth!

Let's take the example of 1 Samuel 17, the account of David vs Goliath. David had already been anointed King of Israel! In private, he had already killed a lion, and a bear! David was a man of war, and already proven in battle. But when the time came to face Goliath, a task perceived too tough for everyone else, David was looked upon as a boy. Just a lowly shepherd boy that came to see the big boys in a battle. The truth was that David was more than ready, and more than capable, because of his faith in the Lord, to take on Goliath. But the perception was still, "he's a boy!"

It wasn't until Goliath fell dead to the earth, David lifted his own sword, and took his head that people saw David as what he was; a leader, a man, and a King!

Now, let's look at the life of Jesus Christ! He was accused, yet He spoke not a word. He was grabbed and pushed and spit on, yet He lifted not a hand. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and God Himself was beaten, tortured, and crucified. He could have spoke one word and been delivered, yet for you, and me, "He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross!" (Phil 2:8)

The toughest lesson I have yet to learn is; there is truth, but how that truth is perceived is what will judge to outcome. How we react, will tell much more than what we can with our words. The truth of Christ is, that He is God, but perception is why there is a world still going to a devil's Hell. One day, we will stand before Him, and EVERY knee shall bow, and EVERY tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord! In the mean time, let's do our part to change the world's perception of Christians by living our lives to bring Him honor and glory!

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Big Three This Week!

Seeking the Applause of Men

I can be so guilty of seeking the acceptance and applause of men, that I often forget that my life is to please and glorify God!

Every fruit, and every good work I can do, is solely due to the work Christ has and is doing through me.

Are you guilty of having more fear of men than you have for the Lord?
Do you stand in awe, and reverence of men? Or do you fear, stand in awe of, and reverence the God of Heaven?

Who do you exalt in your life?
Why do you do, what you do?

True discipleship of the Lord revolves around seeking God's kingdom.
It is not seeking respect, reverence, or acceptance of man.

On the same note; are you one to push others to be more concerned with pleasing you? Your endeavors? Your goals? Or do you push, encourage, and challenge others to please the Lord? It is not something that we knowingly, or consciously do; but we can be so consumed with being "the man" or the one in charge, that we forget that our influence on others can almost over power our desire to see others grow toward Christ and not us.

Does Christ take up a slot on a list of things within our lives? Or is Christ the center of your life? Does your life revolve around Christ? or does He make up a small percentage of your daily life?

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Monday, April 5, 2010

What Oprah says about our Savior!


So many Americans exalt her as a heroine, and so many are blinded by Satan's lies! Psalm 12:8 says it best . . . "The wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted."

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Peyton's Second Easter!

Wonderful Resurrection Weekend!

I want to start by thanking my Savior, Jesus Christ for His wonderful grace! I am so unworthy of it, but He gives it so freely, and willingly! It's so good to know, that I know the Lord!

I was very excited to visit, and have lunch with my parents in Dalton yesterday afternoon. I was much more excited to have an opportunity to visit with my brother, and hear him testify of his salvation! I cannot tell you how long I have worried and wondered about his eternal state.

 We sat, and talked for a while about the things of God, our security in the Lord, and our eternal destiny! I was able to explain to him that salvation has nothing to do with our works, but the finished work of Christ. He agreed as he shared with me his experience accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior!

Later, we (Ashlee, Peyton, and I) visited with Ashlee's family in Chattanooga, TN for a couple of hours. They enjoyed the time with Peyton much more than the time with us, but we got to tag along anyway! Always good to visit the in-laws. . .

On our way home, we stopped briefly at Ashlee's mom's to visit her before it got too late. It's so encouraging to hear the testimony of her family, and how the Lord is working in the lives of each of them. I believe that the Lord will continue to use our desire to serve the Lord on the mission field, to work in the hearts of our families!

My prayer is that Jesus' name will be exalted among the unreached, but also among our friends and family here in the United States. 

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Big Three Easter Week!

Saturday, April 3, 2010