Thursday, April 22, 2010

Truth vs Perception

Many times throughout your Christian life, you will be faced with an instance that some may interpret the wrong way. They may think badly of a situation; maybe take something you said and twist it, and every intension you had was thrown out the window because of one word: Perception!

No matter what point we would like to get across, or what our intensions are; perception will always overshadow truth!

Let's take the example of 1 Samuel 17, the account of David vs Goliath. David had already been anointed King of Israel! In private, he had already killed a lion, and a bear! David was a man of war, and already proven in battle. But when the time came to face Goliath, a task perceived too tough for everyone else, David was looked upon as a boy. Just a lowly shepherd boy that came to see the big boys in a battle. The truth was that David was more than ready, and more than capable, because of his faith in the Lord, to take on Goliath. But the perception was still, "he's a boy!"

It wasn't until Goliath fell dead to the earth, David lifted his own sword, and took his head that people saw David as what he was; a leader, a man, and a King!

Now, let's look at the life of Jesus Christ! He was accused, yet He spoke not a word. He was grabbed and pushed and spit on, yet He lifted not a hand. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and God Himself was beaten, tortured, and crucified. He could have spoke one word and been delivered, yet for you, and me, "He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross!" (Phil 2:8)

The toughest lesson I have yet to learn is; there is truth, but how that truth is perceived is what will judge to outcome. How we react, will tell much more than what we can with our words. The truth of Christ is, that He is God, but perception is why there is a world still going to a devil's Hell. One day, we will stand before Him, and EVERY knee shall bow, and EVERY tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord! In the mean time, let's do our part to change the world's perception of Christians by living our lives to bring Him honor and glory!

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Big Three This Week!

Seeking the Applause of Men

I can be so guilty of seeking the acceptance and applause of men, that I often forget that my life is to please and glorify God!

Every fruit, and every good work I can do, is solely due to the work Christ has and is doing through me.

Are you guilty of having more fear of men than you have for the Lord?
Do you stand in awe, and reverence of men? Or do you fear, stand in awe of, and reverence the God of Heaven?

Who do you exalt in your life?
Why do you do, what you do?

True discipleship of the Lord revolves around seeking God's kingdom.
It is not seeking respect, reverence, or acceptance of man.

On the same note; are you one to push others to be more concerned with pleasing you? Your endeavors? Your goals? Or do you push, encourage, and challenge others to please the Lord? It is not something that we knowingly, or consciously do; but we can be so consumed with being "the man" or the one in charge, that we forget that our influence on others can almost over power our desire to see others grow toward Christ and not us.

Does Christ take up a slot on a list of things within our lives? Or is Christ the center of your life? Does your life revolve around Christ? or does He make up a small percentage of your daily life?

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Monday, April 5, 2010

What Oprah says about our Savior!


So many Americans exalt her as a heroine, and so many are blinded by Satan's lies! Psalm 12:8 says it best . . . "The wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted."

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Peyton's Second Easter!

Wonderful Resurrection Weekend!

I want to start by thanking my Savior, Jesus Christ for His wonderful grace! I am so unworthy of it, but He gives it so freely, and willingly! It's so good to know, that I know the Lord!

I was very excited to visit, and have lunch with my parents in Dalton yesterday afternoon. I was much more excited to have an opportunity to visit with my brother, and hear him testify of his salvation! I cannot tell you how long I have worried and wondered about his eternal state.

 We sat, and talked for a while about the things of God, our security in the Lord, and our eternal destiny! I was able to explain to him that salvation has nothing to do with our works, but the finished work of Christ. He agreed as he shared with me his experience accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior!

Later, we (Ashlee, Peyton, and I) visited with Ashlee's family in Chattanooga, TN for a couple of hours. They enjoyed the time with Peyton much more than the time with us, but we got to tag along anyway! Always good to visit the in-laws. . .

On our way home, we stopped briefly at Ashlee's mom's to visit her before it got too late. It's so encouraging to hear the testimony of her family, and how the Lord is working in the lives of each of them. I believe that the Lord will continue to use our desire to serve the Lord on the mission field, to work in the hearts of our families!

My prayer is that Jesus' name will be exalted among the unreached, but also among our friends and family here in the United States. 

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Big Three Easter Week!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Excited about the Lord working!

I just wanted to give praise to God for how He is working in our family! It's so amazing to see the Lord bless us, and continue to show Himself mightier than the "economic declination." As most of you have been faithful to pray for us and Ashlee's employment; you know that she has been offered a job! She is very excited to be starting tomorrow as a manager of a Sally's Beauty Supply! She has retail management experience, and she is confident that she will enjoy her new job.
Also, I have a friend that the Lord has placed me with through my employment, that I have had several opportunities to present the gospel to. After many weeks of asking, and scheduling, and inviting to church; we are meeting tomorrow for lunch, with the intensions of talking about his eternal destiny. God is using me at my job, and I am excited to see Him working in and through me!
Please pray for the Underwood family, that the Lord will continue to work, and that we would continue to grow and be conformed to the image of Christ! It is so encouraging to see opportunities that the Lord is placing in front of us unfold before our very eyes! There is truly no better place, than in the very center of God's perfect will!

Your companion in labor,

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


This was sent to me via email from my wife's aunt, a neo-natal nurse at Erlanger East! She is very good at what she does, and if she tells me it is important, I trust that it is... 
Pass it on when you're done!

Did you know that women rarely experience the "classic" symptoms that men have with heart attacks? Every women needs to read this to be informed and aware of how different your symptoms could be. It could save your life or you could help save someone else's life.

This has been passed on from an ER nurse and is the best description of this event that she had ever heard. Please read, pay attention, and send it on! 


 I was aware that female heart attacks are different, but this is the best description I've ever read. 

 Women and heart attacks (Myocardial Infarction). Did you know that women rarely have the same dramatic symptoms that men have when experiencing heart attack.... you know, the sudden stabbing pain in the chest, the cold sweat, grabbing the chest and dropping to the 
floor that we see in the movies. Here is the story of one woman's experience with a heart attack..

 I had a heart attack at about 10:30 p.m. with NO prior exertion, NO prior emotional trauma that one would suspect might've brought it on. I was sitting all snugly & warm on a cold evening, with my purring cat in my lap, reading an interesting story my friend had sent me, and 
actually thinking, 'A-A-h, this is the life, all cozy and warm in my soft, cushy Lazy Boy with my feet propped up. 

 A moment later, I felt that awful sensation of indigestion, when you've been in a hurry and grabbed a bite of sandwich and washed it down with a dash of water, and that hurried bite seems to feel like you've swallowed a golf ball going down the esophagus in slow motion 
and it is most uncomfortable.. You realize you shouldn't have gulped it down so fast and needed to chew it more thoroughly and this time drink a glass of water to hasten its progress down to the stomach. This was my initial sensation---the only trouble was that I hadn't 
taken a bite of anything since about 5:00 p.m. 

 After it seemed to subside, the next sensation was like little squeezing motions that seemed to be racing up my SPINE (hind-sight, it was probably my aorta spasming), gaining speed as they continued racing up and under my sternum (breast bone, where one presses rhythmically when administering CPR). 

 This fascinating process continued on into my throat and branched out into both jaws. 'AHA!! NOW I stopped puzzling about what was happening -- we all have read and/or heard about pain in the jaws being one of the signals of an MI happening, haven't we? I said aloud 
to myself and the cat, 'Dear God, I think I'm having a heart attack!'  I lowered the footrest dumping the cat from my lap, started to take a step and fell on the floor instead. I thought to myself, if this is a heart attack, I shouldn't be walking into the next room where the phone is or anywhere else ... but, on the other hand, if I don't, nobody will know that I need help, and if I wait any longer I may not be able to get up in moment. 

 I pulled myself up with the arms of the chair, walked slowly into the next room and dialed 911 (the Paramedics). I told her I thought I was having a heart attack due to the pressure building under the sternum and radiating into my jaws. I didn't feel hysterical or afraid, just stating the facts. She said she was sending the Paramedics over immediately, asked if the front door was near to me, and if so, to unbolt the door and then lie down on the floor where they could see me when they came in. I unlocked the door and then laid down on the floor as instructed and lost consciousness, as I don't remember the medics coming in, their examination, lifting me onto a gurney or getting me into their ambulance, or hearing the call they made to St. Jude ER on the way, but I did briefly awaken when we arrived and saw that the Cardiologist was already there in his surgical blues and cap, helping the medics pull my stretcher out of the ambulance. He was bending over me asking questions (probably something like 'Have you taken any medications?'') but I couldn't make my mind interpret what he was saying, or form an answer, and nodded off again, not waking up until the Cardiologist and partner had already threaded the teeny angiogram balloon up my femoral artery into the aorta and into my heart where they installed 2 side by side stents to hold open my right coronary artery. 

 I know it sounds like all my thinking and actions at home must have taken at least 20-30 minutes before calling the Paramedics, but actually it took perhaps 4-5 minutes before the call, and both the fire station and St. Jude are only minutes away from my home, and my 
Cardiologist was already to go to the OR in his scrubs and get going on restarting my heart (which had stopped somewhere between my arrival and the procedure) and installing the stents. 

 Why have I written all of this to you with so much detail? Because I want all of you to know what I learned first hand. 

 1. Be aware that something very different is happening in your body. 

Not the usual men's symptoms but inexplicable things happening (until my sternum and jaws got into the act). It is said that many more women than men die of their first (and last) MI because they didn't know they were having one and commonly mistake it as indigestion, take 
some Maalox or other anti-heartburn preparation and go to bed, hoping they'll feel better in the morning when they wake up... which doesn't happen. My female friends, your symptoms might not be exactly alike mine, so I advise you to call the Paramedics if ANYTHING 
is unpleasantly happening that you've not felt before. It is better to have a 'false alarm' visitation than to risk your life guessing what it might be! 

 2. Note that I said ''Call the Paramedics.'' And if you can, take an aspirin. Ladies, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! 

Do NOT try to drive yourself to the ER you are a hazard to others on the road. 
Do NOT have your panicked husband who will be speeding and looking anxiously at what's happening with you instead of the road. 
Do NOT call your doctor -- he doesn't know where you live and if it's at night you won't reach him anyway, and if it's daytime, his assistants (or answering service) will tell you to call the 
Paramedics. He doesn't carry the equipment in his car that you need to be saved! The paramedics do, principally OXYGEN that you need ASAP. Your Dr. will be notified later. 

 3. Don't assume it couldn't be a heart attack because you have a normal cholesterol count. Research has discovered that a cholesterol elevated reading is rarely the cause of an MI (unless it's unbelievably high and/or accompanied by high blood pressure). MI's are 
usually caused by long-term stress and inflammation in the body, which dumps all sorts of deadly hormones into your system to sludge things up in there. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we 
could survive. 

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rotting Words!

2 Tim. 2:14-18
“14 Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.
15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
17 And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus;
18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.”
In this passage, we see Paul warning Timothy of those that would pervert the word of God and the doctrine of the resurrection. He states in verse 17, that their word will eat as doth a canker, and in verse 18 that their words will overthrow the faith of some.
I would like to draw attention to the statement “that their word will eat as doth a canker.” A canker, as defined by is something that corrodes, corrupts, destroys, and irritates. Now you may say that you are not teaching a false or erred doctrine, but let me ask you this: Are the things that you talk about considered to be profane and vain babblings? Do the words you speak increase unto more ungodliness? The Apostle Paul says that these words will increase unto more ungodliness, eat as a canker (rotting disease), and will overthrow the faith of some.
What do you spend your time talking about? Does it edify, and encourage the believer to Godliness? Or are your words considered profane and vain babblings? I have been told, and have also learned to agree with, that what you talk about the most, will show where your passion lies. I know when someone is excited about what God is doing in their life; because that is all they will talk about. You can also tell when someone has not spent enough time in the word of God and in prayer; because their conversation will be that of complaining, gripping, and even condescending toward others.
Another statement that we hear, and I often fall guilty of is, “I was just kidding…” There is a saying in spanish; “De broma en broma se dice la verdad.” Meaning, joke by joke tells the truth. If I can leave you with this word of encouragement; Phil. 1:27 “Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ:” Understand that this word conversation means manner of life. But if our manner of life is the gospel of Christ, then our words will be that of the gospel of Christ. Let’s talk to someone today about the Lord!

Stephen Underwood

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Prayer Letter 3/16/10

Dear praying friends and family,

I would like to start by thanking each of you for the continued prayers and intercession on our behalf. The Underwood’s are truly blessed to be a part of what the God of Heaven is doing at Vision Baptist Church. We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve at such a wonderful church, and be a part of a family who desires to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

At the present, we are currently preparing for Celebration Sunday at Vision, the church’s four year anniversary! I am pulling out the secret Underwood family chili recipe for our Ultimate Chili Throwdown. Ashlee is working on her very special dessert for the Ladies Bakeoff! 

Also, I and several others, have been working diligently on our new bus that was given for our “Friends that need a ride” ministry. Today, we spent most of the day sanding the old paint, and will continue to sand tomorrow. Our goal is to be running the bus by Sunday! Pray with us about this. We pray that many children and families will get saved through this new ministry!

Finally, I wish that you would continue to pray for the media ministry that is going on here at Vision Baptist Church! Pastor Gardner and Missionary to Indonesia Josh Ewing are recording many messages that are being translated into Indonesian and posted on a website targeted at reaching Indonesia with the gospel of Christ! I have had the privilege to ensure that the recordings are edited and posted at the specific time allotted. My hearts desire is to see God work and use (as He already has) the media ministry and that many thousands would accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Pray with me, that the Lord would raise up more laborers for this ministry.

I want to finish by thanking each of you again, and challenging you to get involved with world evangelism. The Lord has done such a work in the Underwood family in just a short amount of time, that I would like to see Him work in your hearts as He has in ours! Please do not miss an opportunity to do your part in world evangelism, and to get involved in the work of God!

Your Companion in Labor,

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Does Your Authority Exceed Your Command?

Does your authority exceed your command?

I remember becoming a young, high speed, driven NCO, (Non Commissioned Officer); and standing there as three men I highly respected pinned upon me the rank of Corporal. I remember them telling me that I had authority now, and with that authority came greater responsibility.

It wasn’t long however, that I began to lose sight of my responsibility to lead and train my subordinates; but rather, I began to look for infractions that would give opportunity to display my authority with corrective action. I often think about what 1SG Jason York, then Staff Sergeant, said to me in private after such an occasion. He said, “CPL Underwood, NCO’s do not get pleasure and enjoyment from ‘smoking’ soldiers! Good NCO’s train them to become better soldiers, because they will one day be in your foxhole.”

Let’s bring it to training disciples:

Do you look for more opportunities to “rip someone’s face” more than to encourage? Is reproving and rebuking more important, and bring you more pleasure than exhorting others? We are first and foremost Christians. We are to be like Christ! In Luke 4:18, Jesus made very clear when beginning His earthly ministry that He would “heal the brokenhearted, preach deliverance to the captives, the recovering of sight to the blind, and set at liberty them that are bruised!”

Do others see you and wonder what infraction you will find with them? Do they cringe and worry that they haven’t lived up to your expectation? Or are you one that encourages others to grow toward “Christlikeness”? Is your attitude that of, “they should already be ...”? Or do you show others you genuinely care and want them to succeed?

There may come a day that you will be in need of someone you had an impact on! Will it be an impact of encouragement and correctiveness? I recall hearing more than once, that you can learn as much on “what not to do,” as you can on what to do! Will people learn “what not to do” from how you treat others? Or will you love, care for, and encourage someone to be more like Jesus? We are all just servants of a mighty God! Our authority is not our own! What will you do with what the Lord has placed in you? How will you be a steward of you position? My prayer is that people will have a greater desire to please the Lord, and not so much a desire to NOT get rebuked by me.

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Monday, March 8, 2010

No Chastening...Seemeth to be Joyous!

Hebrews 12:11
"Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby."

I remember very distinctly the times throughout Army Basic training, that I (or everyone) would get punished for seemingly insignificant details. I remember one incident in particular, where the entire platoon was down in the breezeway shining their boots. (Back when they were still black and had to be spit-shinned.) We were told specifically to always bring both set of boots down to be polished. I however, had taken it upon myself to bring only one set down because I thought that my other set was “shinned” well enough! That was a mistake I remember to this day for the consequence of disobedience was more “grievous” than the task of shinning both sets of boots.

How often are we as Christians guilty of doing “God’s will” with our own will in mind? We can do all the right tasks, say all the right things, but have our own end, or agenda in mind. Recently, I was reminded of the important task of training disciples. I was going to the classes; learning how to do it, knowing the right things to say, and all the while excusing the fact that I was not doing it! When faced with the reality that there was no one that I was personally training, I became defensive, and even angry! However, as I meditated, prayed, and sought guidance from the Lord; that chastening became motivation in finding someone to befriend.

Since being forced to look at the man in the mirror, I have taken opportunities I wouldn’t have before. Before, I was talking to many people; people at work, at church, the gas station I frequent for my morning Mountain Dew, but the truth is that I was not having an impact on them for the cause of Christ. I would speak to them about spiritual things, but after leaving the conversation and place, there was no outside relationship. Talking to people about spiritual things is good, but it is not discipleship.

I hope that you, the reader, would pray with me about being a discipler and a friend, and not just one who talks! If we have any hope for reaching the world with the gospel of Christ, we must all be training leaders, that will train leaders. Discipleship starts with being a friend. We must show ourselves friendly if we are to have disciples. People know when you are genuine, and they see when you are real. I pray that I will be transparent, and that people will know that I care for them. This is the only way we can have a Godly impact on someone for Christ’s sake. Get involved today with training men and discipling others!

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Goer Sender Coalition Tonight!

Join the staff of Vision Baptist Church and missionaries from around the world, who are currently on furlough or deputation, for an exciting night of missions oriented fellowship at Vision Baptist Church from 7 pm - 9pm on the first Thursday of every month

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Pray with me for Chile!

Some of you may be aware of the planned trip to Santiago, Chile in July with Pastor Gardner. I am excited to report into you all that the Lord has allowed me to raise $900 of the total cost of $1600 required to go. I would also like to publicly thank my wife's family for the sacrificial giving that has made this possible. 
I know that this is a great opportunity to minister to Veteran Missionary Jason Holt, and encourage him. It will also be a great opportunity to learn, as I will be alongside a great Missionary/Leader trainer, Pastor Austin Gardner.
Please pray with me that the Lord will supply the remaining funds needed in order to go, and that He will use this time to mature and teach me what I need in order to be effective on the mission field someday. The goal of the trip is not to see another country, but to be used of God in the way that would bring Him honor and glory! I would also like to remind each of you to visit Jason Holt's page and get involved there!

Thank you for your continued prayers, and may God bless each of you!

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Get Involved! Concepcion needs You!

I would encourage each of you to get involved with the relief efforts for Concepcion, Chile. If you are not yet aware; a massive 8.8 earthquake destroyed thousands of homes, buildings, and has injured/killed many people. The link below is Missionary Jason Holt's blog, and will allow you to get involved right now! Don't miss an opportunity to be a blessing to the man of God, and the people of Concepcion!

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Quote of the Day! (lol)

"Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't know where it's going. I just hope to find it somewhere along the way. Like an improv conversation. An improversation."

- Michael Scott

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Country on my Heart...

Please pray for the country of Indonesia! There are Millions and Millions of souls dying and going to Hell in this country. 86% of Indonesia's population is muslim. What are we doing to get the gospel to Indonesia? For facts, history and information on Indonesia, check out the link below!

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

The Big Three for this week!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Don't Forget! March 6th Business and Ministry...The Right Balance

Businessmen Seminar: Priorities, Decisions and Balance?
Do you desire to serve the Lord but find that many distractions in your life shift your focus away from Him? Do you have a difficult time wanting to know God better but find that there's not much time to do so? When you're with family and friends who don't know Christ, do you find yourself distracted by their priorities?
Join us at Vision Baptist Church on Saturday, March 6th from 9AM to 1PM as we discuss the answers to some of the following questions:
  • How can pastors believe that my life should revolve around God when I do not have the luxury of time that a pastor has?
  • How do you keep focused on God when your life is consumed with business and worldly distractions?
  • How do I keep from focusing on my needs, concerns, ambitions, and allow God to use me?
  • How do I balance my time between family, friends, God, and business?
  • How can I increase my ability to draw close to God and remain close to Him when I am consumed by business and work?
  • How do you love God when your life is filled with unsaved family, friends, coworkers, etc?
Come hear from the personal experience of John Pearson, a businessman from our church, on how he has focused on Christ and avoided distractions. Hear what God's word says about balance from Austin Gardner             our pastor. Come with questions.
Who: Businessmen, Professionals, Career People and all others who are interested.
What: Businessmen Seminar: Priorities, Decisions & Balance Seminar with John Pearson and Austin Gardner            
When: Saturday, March 6th, 2010, 9 AM to 1 PM (Lunch to be served at noon.)
Where: Vision Baptist Church, 1125 Alpha Drive, Alpharetta, Georgia 30004 | P: | E:
 | W:
Why: To learn what would be a biblical answer to your questions!
We look forward to spending some time together discussing how we can keep our focus on Christ and avoid distractions in our lives. Please RSVP by Monday, March 2nd to help us adequately prepare for lunch.

Stephen Underwood

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Prayer Letter March 1, 2010

Dear praying friends and family,
          I am excited to share with you what the Lord has been doing in the lives of the Underwood family! Ashlee and I just celebrated our second anniversary, and Peyton is growing more and more everyday. I am beginning to have more hours at work, and Ashlee is still on the job hunt. We would ask that you continue praying for her employment situation. 
          I want to give God all the praise for what He is doing at Vision Baptist Church! I have been driving and working the "Friends that Need a Ride" ministry, and the Lord has been blessing in that. We currently have two families that come very faithfully, and are growing in the Lord under the Spanish Ministry at Vision. We are praying that we can have our bus running very soon, so that we may work and that the Lord will grow this ministry. There are several things in action, and many people diligently working for us to have a bus very soon.
          A quick update on class; I am excited to be training in the field of missions under Pastor Austin Gardner. Classes are continuing to be challenging and motivating to study the Word of God more intimately. We are about half way through the semester, and will be having mid terms within the coming weeks. Please be in prayer with me about this.
          Lastly, I want to thank each of you for your continued prayers and intercession on behalf of the Underwood's. I believe that with each trail, and victory; God is using this time to mold us into the servants He can use in foreign missions. It's so exciting to see the milestones in our life being written down as victories in our Christian walk. May God bless each of you, and please feel free to write me anytime.
Your Servant for Christ,

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Please Pray for the Holt family!

Jason and Lori Holt are missionaries to Santiago, Chile. This morning, Chile experienced an 8.8 earthquake that lasted for approximately two minutes. Please read below for more information:

From Chris Gardner's Blog:

Please be praying for the Holt family. Chile just experienced an 8.8 earthquake. I just read on facebook that everyone is ok at the Holt household but they have to wait till they can see how much damage was done. Pray for the country of Chile during this time. The phone lines are down and there is no electricity. Keep everyone in your prayers during this time. We will let you know as soon as we know anything else.

Then I saw a post on facebook by Jason’s mom:

Barbara Howard Holt Jason just called me to tell me that there was a 8.5 Earthquake in Chile. He said it lasted for about 2 minutes and that he is feeling tremors. He has talked the Kenney’s and McBrayers and they are all okay. The phones are done but he has a cell phone he bought for emergencies and that is what he called me from.

Barbara Howard Holt Please pray for them. I will let you know as soon as I talk to him again. He will try to call me as soon as it gets light and he can see how much damage there is.

Here is a link to more information

Please pray for all the missionaries and the many believers there.

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Two "already 's" that should concern us most!

Look on the Fields...

John 3:18 says, "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is CONDEMNED ALREADY, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

And John 4:35 says, "...Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white ALREADY TO HARVEST."

There are two "Already 's" that should determine how we live our lives on a daily basis!

1) There is a world that is CONDEMNED ALREADY!

Indonesia is a country made up of 17,508 islands. With a population of around 230 million people, it is the world's fourth most populous country, and has the world's largest population of muslims! Indonesia has eight major cities ranging from 5 million to 30 million in population, that have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

There is a world beyond our little town, our little home, and our little lives, that has never heard and that the Bible says is CONDEMNED ALREADY!

2) There are fields white ALREADY TO HARVEST!

Jesus looked on the multitudes and was moved with compassion! He said the there is a world that is dying and going to a devil's Hell because they are condemned already! But Jesus told the disciples, and us to "Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." 

What are you doing to get the gospel message to the world? They are ready to hear! There is no better time to reap the harvest fields! It is our command, our Great Commission, and Christ said that the fields are ready to harvest. Let us be laborers in the fields! Pray for countries like Indonesia, where people are dying everyday, lost and going to Hell. Pray for China, where great servants of the Lord Jesus, like the Tolson's are going to reach them with the gospel. Pray for India, where no missionaries to going, that the Lord would send forth laborers! And pray that the Lord would speak to you about serving Him in the field of missions!

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ashlee and Stephen's 2nd Anniversary!

I want to start by saying publicly that I love my wife dearly and I am truly blessed to have her as my help meet! I thank God daily that He made Ashlee especially for me, and had me in mind as He created her! Today, we celebrate two wonderful years as husband and wife. Though there have been trails and tough times, the Lord has shown Himself faithful to supply our need, Himself!
Ashlee and I were married February 22, 2008 while I was recruiting in Canton, GA. Our story is quite humorous, as I was going to fill out the required papers to get a concealed carry permit for my gun. We did have a date set for June 6th (D-Day) to be married, but as I finished up the papers for my gun, I turned it in and I had filled out the required papers for a marriage license!
Needless to say, I am so very grateful that I can be so absent minded, and that even the Lord has a sense of humor. Since we have been married, we have also been blessed to have a son, Peyton Joshua Underwood and he is such an amazing creation of God! So, after two wonderful years of marriage (I know, breaking the surface) and a beautiful baby boy, the Lord has given me more than I deserve! After salvation, my family is most precious to my heart and I thank God for His goodness.


Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

PRAY FOR THE TOLSON'S (True Servants of the Lord Jesus Christ)

Please Pray for Our Baby and Family

This is one of the hardest posts for me to write. Today, we went to the Doctor to find out about our baby that we are expecting in 19 weeks. Because this pregnancy hasn't gone as smoothly as our first one, we were a little worried going into the appointment, especially since we had been given no new information at our last appointment. Well, we finally received some answers today.

We were able to hear the baby's heart beat and see it's profile (got a picture). We were excited! Then the ultrasound technician had to get the doctor and the doctor came in to look at the rest of the baby's body. After she was done, she took us into a different room and explained the condition of our little baby.

Our baby has what is known as "Body Stalk Anomaly." Basically, all the organs from the mid-chest down have developed outside the body and have attached themselves to the wall of the placenta. This condition makes the baby incapable of living outside the womb. The baby has a 5% percent chance of living. If the baby does make it full term it will only live for a minute or two.

With that being said, please be in prayer for the baby, my wife, and our family. The baby is currently living, and Natasha will continue to carry the baby as long as it lives. We know the Lord is in control, and we will continue as normal to see what the Lord does. If the baby passes away before it is full term then Natasha will be induced and give labor to the baby. This could happen at anytime, so we will be going to the doctor at least every other week to check up on it.

We will love this baby as long as it lives. We will tell it of it's Creator and the love He has for us. We will tell it how it could soon be meeting Him.

We are thankful that the Lord has given us this child. The LORD gives, and the LORD takes away; blessed be the name of the LORD. As the baby lives we will praise the Lord for everyday He has allowed us to have it, and once it passes on, we will continue to praise the Lord!

Thank your for your prayers and concern!

Stephen Underwood
Acts 20:24

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Big Three for This Week


It's amazing to think that just a little over a year ago, Peyton was born! He is now 15 months old, and such a smart boy! Yes, I am a little biased, but if you knew him, you'd agree! I hope you enjoy the pictures, and go try out the snow before it's gone!

Stephen Underwood
Acts 20:24

Posted via email from stephenunderwood's posterous